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There is a vacancy for a parent governor on the Greenshaw High School Governing Body.

Tuesday 4th October 2016

Dear Parent/Carer


I am writing to inform you that we currently have a vacancy for a parent governor on the Greenshaw High School Governing Body.

There is provision for 2 parent governors on the governing body, to work alongside other governors representing school staff and governors appointed by the Greenshaw Learning Trust and by the governing body itself. There is currently a total of 10 governors.

The role of the school governor is both rewarding to the individual and invaluable to the school. You will need to be supportive of the values of the school and be able to give time and effort to further its ongoing development; support and training is provided.

No specific experience is required; however, the governing body would particularly welcome nominations from parents with financial skills, specifically the setting and monitoring of budgets, and/or experience of the education sector.

As a governor you will be expected to attend meetings and take an active part in them, help the governing body make informed decisions, and get involved with the school and its pupils. The governing body normally meets 4 times a year, in the evening. You will also be asked to take part in a committee of the governing body which will meet at least once per term and to take on particular tasks in relation to the work of the governing body and the school.

There are also rules on a person’s eligibility to be a governor, e.g. relating to bankruptcy and criminal convictions, and requirements on disclosure of interests and involvement in other bodies that could impact on the work of the Trust or the school.

For further information on the role of and requirements on a school governor, please see the attached ‘Guide to being a school governor’ and ‘Requirements for being a school governor’.

Parents wishing to stand for election are asked to complete the application form below. Application forms must be returned to the school by the closing date of Wednesday 19th October at 9.00 a.m.

If more than one application is received, a ballot will be held in which all parents and carers may vote; in these circumstances the applicants’ personal statements will be made available to all parents/carers to inform their vote.

Should you require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me on the email address below.

Yours sincerely

Maria Foster
Clerk to the Governing Body     

Available for download below:
Application form
Guide to being a school governor
Requirements for being a school governor
Code of conduct