Will I get lost?
We are a big school, but have lots of staff and students on hand to show you where to go. You will leave lessons five minutes before the rest of the school for the first two weeks, to make it easier for you to move around the school. There are lots of signposts around to help you. We haven’t lost any one yet!
Will I get in trouble if I am late to school?
We expect some students will face challenges when travelling to a new school. We allow a settling in period. Your form tutor is there to support and help you with any problems you may have.
What if I forget my books or PE kit?
We understand that moving from primary school to secondary school is a big change and it may take a few weeks to settle in and get organised. Your form tutor will work with you and your parents to help you with this. We have spare PE kit in school if needed.
What happens if I forget my lunch or if I have no money on my account?
Your form tutor and year team are there to help and will contact parents. Or we can arrange for you to have something to eat from the canteen. We definitely won’t let you go hungry!
How much homework will I get?
Students in Year 7 have 4 hours of homework per week. English and Maths is set online. Homework is introduced gradually over the first few weeks to ensure all students understand the work and are able to access it at home.
What if I find the work difficult?
Tell your teacher, form tutor or parents. We have excellent support systems in place to ensure that all students who require additional support are identified and any required support is put in place.
What if I don’t make any friends?
We have specialist staff as well as a peer mentoring scheme to support students who may struggle to settle in or make friends.
Can I use my mobile phone in school?
Students may bring a phone to school. However, it should not be seen used or heard on the school site. If students need to contact home, they should speak to the school office or their year team.
What should I do if I feel unwell at school?
Tell your class teacher/form tutor. We have a student reception area in the main school office. Our principal first aider will assess your health and take any necessary action.
What clubs do you have after school?
A full list of extra-curricular activities will be circulated shortly after you start. Some examples are – football, table tennis, basketball, rounders, athletics, art, science and maths, to name but a few.
How will I remember everything?
All students will be issued with a journal which contains all the information you require for school. Your timetable will be given to you on you first day. The first few days of term will be spent with your form tutor, going through everything you need to know about secondary school.