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16-19 Bursary Fund

The Bursary Fund is designed to help support those young people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education or training post-16.

The Bursary Fund is designed to help support those young people who face the greatest barriers to continuing in education or training post-16.

The 16-19 Bursary fund has two elements:
1.   Guaranteed bursary paid by the school to students in the most vulnerable groups including:

  • Young people in care aged 16 and 17.
  • Care leavers aged 16, 17 and 18.
  • Young people in receipt of income support aged 16, 17 and 18.
  • Disabled young people in receipt of Employment Support Allowance who are also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance.

2.   Discretionary Bursary – Greenshaw Sixth Form will award bursaries to students who face genuine financial barriers to participation in education to help with costs such as transport, meals, books and equipment. This could be in the form of a one off contribution or sustained support. Typically, this would be students who were previously eligible for free school meals or for households who receive certain benefits, a list of these can be found on the bursary form.

The level of support which the school can offer is dependent on the total funding received from the EFA (Education Funding Agency) and the numbers of applications it receives. The level of support offered may vary during the academic year and is dependent on the amount of funds available. Students will need to complete an application form and supply evidence of need or eligibility as appropriate before payments are made.

Payment may be withheld if the student does not comply with the school’s expectations on:

  • Behaviour
  • Performance
  • Attendance

The Bursary Policy and application form can be found on Frog.