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Career guidance

careersPost-18 Planning, our sixth form careers programme, is introduced during Year 12 tutorial sessions and continues throughout sixth form. The programme supports students with their decision-making in a number of ways. We introduce students to on-line destinations platforms, organise trips, invite representatives from universities and industry to speak and offer personal advice about possible choices:

For those who choose university, we offer a comprehensive support programme for the completion of the UCAS process. Following the receipt of final A Level results, we continue to offer support to students in finalising the places they have chosen.

For students who decide that university is not for them, we offer the same level of support and guidance. Careers meetings are arranged and support given in the application process. Where possible, we will help to organise work experience placements and do all that we can to help students place themselves in their chosen career.

Students are guided closely for university application or vocational opportunities. The managed learning environment, Frog, provides a wealth of information for all students regardless of their chosen destination. The Careers Page additionally provides links to the fortnightly Careers bulletin which contains up to date information on open events, employer career events, university and apprenticeship opportunities, career programmes and competitions and work experience. This is emailed to students and parents across Years 10 to 13 every two weeks. 

Every Wednesday afternoon, Sixth Form students are invited to take part in future pathway talks provided by local and national employers, further education colleges, universities and a diverse range of alumni.

Year 12 students take part in work shadowing in the summer term which is organised by the student and recorded on their Unifrog account. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to build their skillset and gain knowledge of the world of work.

Mrs Sone, Head of Careers, is available in The Careers Office to address any enquiries related to careers, and offers advice guidance accordingly (

Following their time at Greenshaw, students take a variety of paths. The majority continue their education at university, some choose to enter their chosen profession whilst others opt for a gap year, either to broaden their experience of the world or to take a little more time to decide upon the direction they wish to take.

Our Careers Provider Access Statement can be found on the School Policies & Documents page.