Extended work
It is school policy to set students extended work in order to support coursework, to increase their overall understanding, to give us further evidence of their progress, to help them develop necessary skills in independent study and personal organisation and sometimes to undertake tasks which cannot be done in school. These can take the form of MOOCs for example. The support of families in encouraging students to do extended work carefully and thoroughly is of paramount importance. It is our experience that the students who achieve the most during their career at school are usually those whose families have taken an active interest in their progress.
Extended work, together with supporting resources, is recorded on Frog, the school’s electronic managed learning environment. All students have user names and passwords to access this from the internet.
We also encourage the students to involve themselves in other out-of-school activities (sports, voluntary work and other enrichment activities) which provide interest and relaxation, as well as being useful for their CVs or UCAS applications.