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Curriculum Enhancement

During the course of each academic year, students have three curriculum enhancement Days. These days are coherently planned and in place of our normal timetable for all students. The days are an amazing opportunity for students to take part in activities that extend beyond the curriculum and introduce them to develop new skills, knowledge and experiences.

The activities are on and off site, ranging from visiting a place of worship, a historical building/ landmark, the Science Museum, the coast, an outdoor education team building centre, language and cultural experiences, communication workshops, attending a theatre production and work experience. The days also give the opportunity for students to develop their teamwork skills and build their resilience, confidence and curiosity. 

Below is our wider universal curriculum enhancement offer (these can also be downloaded below) which significantly strengthens the school’s offer to all students. It highlights the different learning experiences that students engage in at Greenshaw High School.

For further information, please contact Miss Webb, Assistant Headteacher.

Graphics depicting pathways for each year group.  Year 7 pathways: healthy snacks, inequality, resilience and the extra-curricular activities on offer:. Read books by writers from a diverse range of cultures and traditions during the tutor reading programme. Perform in an inter-tutor group sporting competition (PE). Explore and respond to some of the big ideas from the classical and medieval eras that have shaped our world (BITS). Visit a historical place of interest: Hampton Court Palace (history). Visit a place of worship, the Baitul Futuh Mosque, Morden (RS). Engage with assemblies, exploring SMSC development, reflecting upon national awareness days, religious festivals and events. Promoting responsible and respectful members of the community Take part in a mental wellbeing curriculum (Mental Health Lead). Explore gender inequality and gender-based violence from Bold Voices Education platform (PSHE). Take part in a social action (pastoral).  Year 8 pathways: Learn to play, food choices, first aid. Explore gender inequality and gender-based violence from Bold Voices education platform (PSHE). Engage with assemblies, exploring SMSC development, reflecting upon national awareness days, religious festivals and events. Visit the science museum (science). Perform in a inter tutor group sporting competition (PE). Explore and respond to some of the big ideas from the early modern and industrial eras that have shaped our	world (BITS).   Visit a place of worship, Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Hindu Temple, Neasden (RS). Read books by writers from a diverse range of cultures and traditions during the tutor Reading programme. Visit a wetland habitat in the local area to conduct fieldwork (Geography). Take part in a mental wellbeing curriculum. Visit local urban gardens to explore art through different textures found in a natural environment (art). Take part in a social action (pastoral).  Year 9 pathways: Next step planning for GCSE options, post-16 and post-18 (careers).   Visit the coast to see the processes and landforms (geography). Explore and respond to some of the big ideas from the modern and postmodern eras that have shaped our world (BITS). Read books by writers from a diverse range of cultures and traditions during the tutor reading programme. Take part in a mental wellbeing curriculum (mental health lead).  Engage with assemblies, exploring SMSC development, reflecting upon national awareness days, religious festivals and events. Promoting responsible and respectful members of the community. Take part in a competitive team building experience, developing collaboration, communication, trust and leadership skills (PE). Take part in a debate (RS). Take part in a social action (pastoral).  Year 10 Pathways Alcohol and drugs, inequality, GCSE options. Organise and complete a work experience placement (careers).   Take part in a communication workshop (careers). Attend a live theatre production (English).   Take part in a mental wellbeing curriculum (mental health lead). Perform in a inter tutor group sporting competition (PE).  Read books by writers from a diverse range of cultures and traditions during the tutor reading programme. Engage with assemblies, exploring SMSC development, reflecting upon national awareness days, religious festivals and events. Promoting responsible and respectful members of the community. Take part in a social action (pastoral).  Year 11 pathways: Plan a KS5 pathway including a CV, covering letter and consider interview question responses (careers/PSHE). CV writing. Understanding of how to manage finances post 16, national insurance and tax (pshe) study day exam board workshops- maths, English, science? Workshops.   Take part in a mental wellbeing curriculum (mental health lead). Perform in a inter tutor group sporting competition (PE)   Engage with assemblies, exploring SMSC development, reflecting upon national awareness days, religious festivals and events. Promoting responsible and respectful members of the community. Take part in a social action (pastoral).