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Careers logoCareers advice is provided in-house at the careers office by our Head of Careers Mrs Paula Sone to ensure that students are fully informed about their choices post-16 and beyond.

Students are introduced to careers in the spring term in Year 7 creating their Unifrog account. This is then developed across the year groups during PSHE lessons and careers in registration lessons, which include activities such as GCSE planning in Year 8 and post-16 planning across Years 10 and 11. By the end of Year 11, all students experience career planning interaction to ensure that their chosen pathways are appropriate and match their individual needs.

The managed learning environment, Frog, provides a wealth of information about destinations for students of all abilities. The Careers page provides students with access to a range of platforms to match suitable careers to personal profiles and also provides information on skills, personal qualities and training routes to specific employment. The Careers page additionally provides links to the fortnightly Careers Bulletin which contains up-to-date information on open events, employer career events, university and apprenticeship opportunities, career programmes and competitions and work experience. This is emailed to students and parents across Years 10 to 13 every two weeks.

Every Wednesday afternoon, Years 10 to 13 are invited to take part in future pathway talks provided by local and national employers, further education colleges, universities and a diverse range of alumni.

Year 10 students take part in work experience in March. This is organised by the student and recorded on their Unifrog account. This provides an excellent opportunity for students to build their skill set, together with giving them an understanding of the range of careers the world of work has to offer.

For information about careers guidance in the Greenshaw Sixth Form, please click here.

Our careers provider access policy and other official documents can be found below.

Mrs Sone can be contacted at or by telephone via the school office.