A brilliant day for our A Level students

We congratulate our Year 13 class of 2023.
This year, our wonderful Year 13 students sat their first set of public exams, having had their GCSE examinations cancelled due to the Covid pandemic. We saw them really rising to this challenge over the last two years, seeing their fantastic approach over their A Level courses. We could not be prouder of their efforts and thrilled that these efforts have now paid dividends. We have seen some fantastic results, with one in three of all grades being an A* or A. As an indication, the overall attainment is significantly above our 2019 results (the last year of 'normal exams'), which in themselves were really pleasing.
Importantly, we are delighted to see that the vast majority of our students have been able to take up their first choice university place, and we wish them the best of luck with their chosen course. We are particularly thrilled for Ananya who will take up her place at the University of Oxford to study classics, Emen who has been accepted to study medicine at Queen Mary’s, and to Konrad who will study architecture at the University of Bath.
There are many other achievements that are worthy of mention. Jakub achieved an impressive 4A*s at A Level, as well as an A* in his Extended Project Qualification and will be off to study physics at Imperial. Other students who achieved straight A/A* grades are Alhassan, Alice, Aloke, Aleksandar, Anas, Anna, Emen, Hadi, Joseph, Jose-Gonçalo, Konrad, Mackenzie, Maddison, Muhamed, Olly and Rhiannon.
We congratulate our Year 13 class of 2023, and wish them all the best in the next phases of their lives. The students have been brilliant.