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Supporting mental health and wellbeing


Click the button below to access Kooth, an online counselling service that students at Greenshaw High School can access confidentially and free of charge:

There is a booklet here about Kooth and what they can do to help.

Good mental health is the most important thing for everyone in Greenshaw High School, both students and staff. While we do not control all the things that shape mental health beyond school, we will always consider the impact of the decisions we make on the wellbeing of staff and students.

In the curriculum we directly teach our students about their emotional health. We teach the Healthy Minds Curriculum through Years 7 to 10 that focuses on developing resilience, understanding social and emotional learning, healthy habits and mental illness.

We aim to teach students to understand and love each subject for its own sake. We do not see GCSEs and A Levels as requirements to jump through examination hoops, but seek to make education an enjoyable and enriching experience.

In ensuring excellent behaviour we have a consistent whole school approach with clear routines of behaviour, well communicated social norms and familiar routines bringing a sense of calm. The key emphasis in our approach to behaviour is to allow young people to self-regulate, so they develop the skills of capable adulthood.

In maintaining a significant non-teaching team dedicated to pastoral support we can put in place measures to support young people experiencing difficulties. This team of staff has a range of expertise covering areas including bereavement, anxiety and exam pressures and work closely alongside classroom staff.

If you have any concerns about the mental health of a young person at Greenshaw High School, then please contact his or her Head of Year or Deputy Head of Year. In addition, this web page below has a list of helpful contacts. Some of these are local to Sutton, while others are nationwide, but all offer information and support.

Education Wellbeing Practitioners (EWP)

EWP are Education Wellbeing Practitioners who work with young people who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety or low mood. 

They can help young people understand the difficulties they are experiencing, and teach them tools and coping strategies they can use to help manage their anxiety or low mood. We meet individually with young people for up to six sessions, plus one introduction session. 

We have two NHS Wellbeing Practitioners based at Greenshaw on Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays.
Take a look at the flier here to find out more about the support they offer.

You can also download the leaflet below to find out more about the service and how to refer.

We have also been given video links to useful videos to share with parents/carers:

  • Parenting teens in times of uncertainty
    This video is for parents and caregivers of teenagers recorded from a live workshop. It will look at the following the topics: Supporting your teenager with sleep, how to enable teens to hear what we're saying; recognising anxiety and low mood in teens; how to respond to heightened teen emotions.
  • Supporting your teenager with anxiety
    This video is aimed at the parents or caregivers of teenagers and provides some ideas as to how you can support them if they are experiencing worry or anxiety.

Healthy Minds Research Project

Healthy minds logoThe school is also delighted that it has been awarded the Healthy Minds kitemark, only achieved by schools who successfully met all the criteria of the project to a consistently high standard. This milestone is a major move forward in our mission to deliver the best personal, social and health education available and is evidence of our ongoing commitment to the personal development of our students.

Click here to learn more about the Healthy Minds Research Project.

Please click on the image below to visit the web page.

Mental Health and wellbeing page on Frog