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Useful information

Please take a look through the following useful information.

About Greenshaw 

Claudia and Irhaan, introduce our new Year 7s to the school in the video below.

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Are you ready? 

My first day

  • I know what I need to take to school on my first day.
  • I have remembered I will have to turn my phone off.
  • I have written down all the contact numbers I need in an emergency as my phone will be turned off.
  • I have spare change if I need it.
  • I know how I am getting home.

Getting organised

  • I have a water bottle and lunch box (if needed).
  • My parents/carers have put money on my lunch account.
  • I have my front door key.

Travelling to and from school

  • I know what time I need to be at school.
  • I know how long my school journey will take.
  • I have applied for 11-15 Zip Oyster Card.
  • I have practised my route to school.


  • I know the school rules regarding uniform – see this link.
  • I have ordered my uniform (including PE kit) and school bag. You can do this using the SWI Schoolwear website.
  • I have all of the required equipment – see this link.


  • I have a space where I am able to complete my homework.
  • I know how to complete a to do list.
  • I have access to a device to complete my homework.

Equipment for learning 

To ensure that all students are ready and equipped to learn there is compulsory school equipment list.

The items on this list are required at all times and regular checks will be made to ensure that students have the correct equipment they need for their lessons.

Please click here for more details.

Timing of the school day 

There will be five lessons each day and one Year assembly each week.

The structure of the school day can be found here.

Music lessons 

Greenshaw High School offers peripatetic vocal and instrumental lessons with Sutton Music Service.

Lessons will be delivered in the music department during the school day on a rotating weekly timetable by specialist music tutors.

Lessons available are: Vocals, guitar, bass guitar, piano, drum kit, woodwind (flute, clarinet, or saxophone), strings (violin, viola, or cello), brass (trumpet or trombone), DJing and music production.

You can choose to have a set of 30-minute lessons either paired or individual. Costs will be confirmed by the Sutton Music Service in September.

Students can join the timetable either at the start of the school term or after the half-term breaks.
To make an application for lessons, click on this link or visit

If you need to hire an instrument for lessons (instruments are not included in the lesson fee) you can request to hire one when applying for lessons.