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Greenshaw High School

Our building project

Planning for the future of Greenshaw High School ...

Students of the week

As always, let’s start by congratulating each of these individuals for everything they have achieved this week. Well done for setting such high standards.

Year 7 - Eloghene

Year 8 - Marisol

Year 9 - Muhammed

Year 10 - Emelia

Year 11 - Rowan

Sixth Form - Anna, Sharonna, Beverley

Keeping our children safe - online presentation

We are holding an online safety presentation to parents on Tuesday 17th January at 6.00pm.  An email will go to all parents over the next couple of days, however you can also find out more information and register your interest in attending here.

Our building project

Yesterday I spoke to all pupils in the school about the letter I sent home on Wednesday. I had already had a number of pupils speak to me at break time about the plans. They were grateful that the older parts of the school were being considered for a ‘rebuild’ rather than a refurbishment. I also reassured them that it was not the whole school being demolished. The newest building at the front of school with its 15 classrooms, assembly hall and Sixth Form will remain. The sports hall, along with its six classrooms and the newer Modern Foreign Languages block, with our SEND department upstairs, also remain.

Really importantly, we are in a phase of public consultation about the proposal. The new buildings will be better suited for the number of people using it, offer more aspirational spaces for our community and be far more energy efficient with green roofs, solar panels and ground source heat pumps. But final planning permission has not been granted.

If you are able to join us on Wednesday 18th January at any point between 5:30pm and 8:30pm to share your support for the development of our school that would be much appreciated. It is a drop in event, with detailed displays of the buildings and a number of the architects present to answer any questions. Thank you in advance if you are able to give any time this Wednesday.

Future aspirations 

All of this week children in Years 7-11 have had assemblies on careers and beginning to work out some future directions in terms of the sectors they might work in. Here are the most popular for our youngest years.

Year 7: the Arts and Creative sector was the most popular choice

Year 8: Engineering was the most selected option

Year 9: Healthcare and Veterinary were the most popular one

Over all year groups the most popular choice to date has been understanding more about working in the Arts and Creative sector. From next week students will spend time in their morning registration with their form tutors learning more about how careers are chosen as well as completing activities like personality profiles, suggesting possible future pathways. We will continue to stay in touch about the next stages.

In the meantime, I wish you all happy weekends and hope you find some times of rest. 

All the best.

Mr House