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Social action – in action at Greenshaw

Well, what a busy week!

I have just left our local Member of Parliament, Luke Taylor, with members of our Year 8 student council. They are certainly putting him through his paces. They have asked him about what he is doing about the rise of homelessness, his views on some of the conflict zones of the world, and improvements they would like in the local area, as well as more personal questions around his career to date. 

Earlier in the week, our Year 11 students started their practical exams, with our 3D design students constructing some superb models in the workshops. Today, our Year 11 students were practising their GCSE Drama performance, again ready for the final examiner’s assessment.

And as if that wasn’t enough to get on with, next Thursday we have our first curriculum enhancement day of the year. I cannot put all the details of the wide range of venues and activities that our students and staff are going to engage in, but I know that a lot of information has already been shared with respective tutor groups and families. If you do have any queries, please contact us at

Social action – in action at Greenshaw

As well as understanding democracy (through our School Council, and meeting both newly elected Sutton MPs this term), we have taken a further step to model to our students what good citizenship actually looks like. At Greenshaw, we do not just talk in assembly about what it looks like, we act on it as a community, and, of course, with your support as Greenshaw families.

In autumn, we collected food, around the theme of harvest, that was then donated to the Sutton Food Bank. At Christmas, we also collected food, as well as unused toys and books that were taken to the women’s refuge. I would like to extend a massive thank you to all families who donated to our annual Easter egg collection. The collection will be distributed to the various good causes that we support locally. 

Building work update

You will be aware that I sent a lengthy letter earlier this week, separately to this weekly update. The details of the building project are substantial and lengthy, but I have transferred all of that letter onto our school website. The details can be found here for quick access.

At the bottom of the page is the summary of the times and locations of lessons for all year groups while we pack, and unpack, our school. This repeats the same information I sent midweek, but will be permanently available on the school website for quick reference.

Clubs in the summer term

Clubs will be starting up again on the third week back after the Easter break, the week commencing 5th May. Students will be able to sign up for clubs on Frog from Friday 2nd May.

Students of the week

Congratulations to these students for their combination of hard work, community spirit and great social contributions. Meeting them to hear more about their achievements, and present them with certificates, is one of the highlights of my week.

 Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

6th Form






Denuga, Sivakami, Banujah

I wish all Greenshaw families and students the best for a restful weekend, and the coming week of sunshine. For those of our community that are celebrating Eid on Sunday and Monday, I wish you Eid Mubarak.

Mr N House, Headteacher