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Greenshaw High School

Attendance matters

All students benefit from outstanding attendance...

Now that we are coming to the end of September we are seeing a change in the daily temperatures, could I please use this as an opportunity to remind you that students should now have their school jumpers with them. Coats should not be worn without wearing a school jumper and should be plain black or blue, without any logos on them.

Allergen procedures

As part of the Greenshaw Learning Trust’s commitment to excellence in the provision of food for our students, the head of catering has drafted an allergen procedure to illustrate the procedures that have been put in place to safeguard students and staff. We have attached a copy of the procedure for your information.

Free School Meals

We would encourage all parents to sign into the new system before Thursday 6th October, even if you currently do not qualify to receive free school meals for your child/ren. You only need to sign up once and then the system will continually check to see if there are any changes in your financial circumstances whilst your child/ren attend Greenshaw High School. Further details and the link are on the attached letter.

Attendance matters

We firmly believe that all students benefit from outstanding attendance. We will always listen to and support parents in establishing good attendance, but we will never tolerate poor attendance. Evidence suggests that students who miss between 10% and 20% of school have a 35% chance of achieving five good GCSEs, compared with a 73% chance for students who miss less than 5% of school. Given the early closure on Thursday, and the INSET day on Friday, full attendance on the other days and until Thursday 1.30pm is really important. 

Open Evening

Our open evening will be held on Thursday 6th October from 5.00pm until 8.00pm. We still need student volunteers to help on the night in departments and as tour guides. Please complete here to consent for your child to be a helper.

Students and tutor groups of the week

Our congratulations go to all those listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done, to everyone.  

This week

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Student of the week






Tutor group of the week






Wishing you all the very best.

Mr J Mirtschin, Acting Headteacher