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Greenshaw High School

Celebrating learning

During an unusual week, there has been cause for celebration at school.

This has been an unusual and, at times, unsettling week for the nation. Last Friday, the day after hearing about the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Mr House spoke to the whole school about the contributions she has made to our country.He noted several aspects: the Queen’s enduring presence, signifying stability and continuity in what has recently been a very changeable world; her steadfast commitment to her family; and her evident humanity, as seen sometimes through glimpses of her sense of humour. Above all else, Her Majesty’s absolute commitment to her role, overseeing the change of Prime Minister just forty-eight hours before her passing, demonstrated to all of us a person who was tireless and dedicated, values all of us in education admire.

Following Mr House’s words, the school fell silent in recognition of the Queen, holding a reflective silence, observed impeccably by students with their form teachers. All families will be aware that Monday 19th September has been declared a bank holiday, so students should not attend school on the day of the state funeral, returning as normal on Tuesday 20th at 8:15am.

Information evenings – Year 7, 11 and Year 12

Many thanks to all those families that took part in the information evening last night. It was great to see so many of you hear about the events of the next school year, particularly regarding the timings of mock exams and the sorts of revision activities that your children could take part in.  

At the other end of the age range, we will be running an information vvening for families in Year 7 next week, and Mrs Blackham has already been in touch with you to explain how that evening will work.

Year 11 celebratory lunch 

Yesterday, we celebrated Year 11 students who achieved the highest attitude to learning scores in their Year 10 summer report (pictured). Students were rewarded with a complimentary lunch and were joined by members of the Sixth Form team.

NHS Education Wellbeing Service 

The Education Wellbeing Service provides a range of different types of support for parents. You can download below a list of webinars they are running for parents who would like support with their teenager's wellbeing. Please remember that there is a safeguarding section on our website here with information about other helpful organisations who can offer support. 

Wishing you all the very best.

Mr J Mirtschin, Acting Headteacher