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Greenshaw High School

Great to be back in school

It was great to have all of our students back in school this week, equipped for the year ahead and embedding positive routines. 

Following the sad news of HRH Queen Elizabeth II passing last night, Mr House used morning registration to acknowledge this with the school in an online assembly. We have an important role to play as a school in reassuring children during this difficult time and students were given time at the end of the assembly for personal reflection.

Student sporting achievement

We would like to congratulate Lucy in Year 11, who got through the qualifying round, semi-final and into the final of the Youth World Climbing Championship in Dallas, Texas. Lucy came fourth in the world, which is an amazing achievement and we are all extremely proud of her – well done.

Lunch money 

I would like to remind parents of the following lunch and break time protocols:

  • Daily limit of £6; if that is spent at morning break students cannot use more, even if the account has additional money.
  • £3.10 for FSM is made available from lunchtime for students entitled to this. This is to give them the wider choice made available at lunches, including full meals not just the ‘grab and go’ options at morning break.

The next two items are from Miss Weatherhead, Assistant headteacher.

Homework update

Homework is a vital ingredient in the success of our students, so we want 100% of our students to complete 100% of their homework, 100% of the time. As parents and carers, your support will be crucial in achieving this, so I wanted to share with you our approach over this first half term. Information is attached separately to this letter.

Homework and assessment Webinar

High quality homework and a coherent assessment system are vital to the success of our students. An online information evening will be held on Tuesday 20th September at 6.00pm for parents in Year 7 to 9 wishing to find out more about our approach to homework and how we use assessment to support our students. Please register here so we have a sense of numbers and also enter any questions you have so that we can endeavour to answer them.

Open evening

Our open evening will be held on Thursday 6th October from 5.00pm until 8.00pm. We need student volunteers to help on the night in departments and as tour guides. Please complete the form here to consent for your child to be a helper.

Cost of living 

Regarding the cost of living crisis and the impact this may have on parents, the local authority has some useful links to local support, as do neighbouring boroughs, which some parents may find useful.

Wishing you all the very best.

Mr J Mirtschin, Acting Headteacher