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Greenshaw High School

Industrial action: Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March

Our plans for Wednesday and Thursday...

I am writing this to you on Monday afternoon. I wanted to delay communication about the possibility of further strikes until the start of the week, hoping for news over the weekend of a breakthrough between the government and the National Education Union. Sadly, no news has arrived so I have to share our plans for this Wednesday and Thursday, with of course the possibility of them being paused over the next day or so.

After two previous days of school closure we have a clearer sense of the likely intentions of staff, meaning we are able to offer a slightly better experience for some of our pupils. However, the safety of our pupils has to be the first priority and in the absence of around 60 staff (based on previous days of industrial action) it would not be possible for the majority of pupils to be safely in school.

Please see below the plans for this Wednesday and Thursday.

Years 7-10

Pupils should not attend school. Remote learning will be facilitated, via the Frog website. 

Year 7 should complete their Formative Assessment at home.

Year 11

Pupils should not attend school. Remote learning will be facilitated through Frog, with more live learning (online) than on the first strike day.

Years 12-13

All pupils should attend school. Where staff are in school these lessons will happen, following our normal timetables.

I know it might seem frustrating that it is possible to offer some lessons in school to our Sixth Form while our younger pupils have to remain at home. This is because our Sixth Form pupils do have a resource centre that I know will be staffed all day. So if, for example, they were to have four lessons on a normal Wednesday, but only have two of those lessons running this week, I can be certain that our Sixth Form students can study independently in a staffed and resourced room while not in lessons.

I will be talking to all pupils tomorrow, some in person, some in an online assembly to explain the plans for Wednesday and Thursday. I am very happy for this information to be shared with any pupils before then.

Thank you for your support in what are very trying circumstances. As a parent of two school aged children I fully know the challenges that are presented. I sincerely hope there is a coming together over future days and weeks that will see this dispute settled to the benefit of pupils, staff and families.

Nick House, Headteacher