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Greenshaw High School

Mock exams underway - good luck to Years 11 & 13

This has been a great week, with high levels of attendance and our older pupils completing the first half of their mock exams for GCSEs and A Levels this summer. They have been taking these papers very seriously and we will be sharing results and paper feedback with pupils over the coming days and weeks. I’d like to wish good luck to all pupils, and you families that are supporting their revision, over the next week as well.

Stars of the Week

Congratulations goes to our stars of the week listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done to all!

  • Year 7 - Huvin
  • Year 8 - Kwaku
  • Year 9 - Saranki
  • Year 10 - Ayush
  • Year 11 - Pauldilan
  • Sixth Form - Janush and Jessica


Open Mornings - Tuesday 7th March (9am-10:30am)

Mr Mirtschin and I took a number of parents and carers around lessons this week, allowing families to see what we do during a typical day at Greenshaw. It can be really enlightening to see what school is actually like, generally quite different to televised versions of school like the BBC’s current popular school drama Waterloo Road, for example! I know visiting school during the working day isn’t possible for everybody but we will do the same again later this term, on Tuesday 7th March so please email us at if you are able to come into school. 

Industrial Action - Thursday 2nd March

Next Thursday sees the second day of teachers striking. Like last month, the majority of pupils will need to learn at home as we do not have the staff numbers to run the site safely. A change is that as Year 11 and Year 13 pupils are doing their mock exams during this fortnight (the invigilation of which is supervised by support staff and a handful of senior teachers) we are able to run the mock exams uninterrupted. Please see below the details of the day.

Years 7-10

Learn from home; work set on Frog.

Year 11

Start school as normal: arrive from 7:45am for ‘Early 30’ independent revision; 

all pupils arrive by 8:25am for warm up before sitting their science paper at 9:00am. 


If students do not study Religious Studies they may return home after their science paper, revising from home for their remaining exams.


Religious Studies students will sit their mock paper after break and then also be free to leave the site and revise from home.

Year 12

Learn from home; Uplearn, coursework completion, homework tasks, independent study

Year 13

Mock exams will continue as usual: 9:00am Sociology and Classics papers, 1:00pm Physics and Psychology. The SRC will be supervised all day for year 13 students wanting to complete their independent study in school.

Accessing Home Learning on Frog

Like last month, there will be assignments on Frog set for students to complete. More details on this will be given early next week. We have contacted the company that hosts our ‘Frog’ platform and they have increased the bandwidth, which should improve the accessibility of the site, especially if there is a high demand at any one given time. We do still expect the platform to be slightly slower than normal, however, it should be vastly improved from last month.

Free school meals on strike days

As previously, when we are not able to keep school open on days like this Thursday the value of the free school meals that would have been taken by pupils is transferred to parents, using the scheme we have used previously. If you have any questions about this please contact us at

Year 7 Parents’ Evening - Thursday 16th March

Should all of the proposed strike days go ahead then one would clash with our proposed Year 7 Parents’ Evening. We have pencilled in the following week, Thursday 23rd March, for the replacement evening. Please continue to book appointments and we will simply transfer those to a week later.

GCSE Pathways Information Evening (online) 

Students are given the opportunity to make subject choices during year 8 and year 9, for the following year. We will be running separate information sessions to explain this process.

Year 8: Thursday 20th April at 5:30pm

Year 9: Thursday 9th March at 5:30pm

Further information and joining instructions will be sent closer to the time.

Wishing you all the best for a restful weekend.

Your faithfully,

Mr House
