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Greenshaw High School

Positive relationships

Our visitors have been highly impressed this week.

It has been a busy week at Greenshaw, which included visitors from a Sutton primary school, headteachers from Gloucestershire and Plymouth, as well as a collective of 15 teachers and education advisors from the island of Guernsey. All were highly impressed by the quality of education our students were experiencing, the positive relationships between students and teachers and how our students conducted themselves in and out of the classroom.  

Head of Year 7

We would like to wish Mrs Blackham well as she starts her maternity leave today. Miss Walters has already been working with the year group as Acting Head of Year and will now take overall responsibility for Year 7 students.

Arrangements for the last day of school 

School continues until Friday 16th December when we have a half day. The end of the day varies for different year groups and is:

  • 12:15 pm – Year 12 and 13 (or until last timetabled lesson before this time)
  • 12:25 pm – Year 7, 8
  • 12:30 pm – Year 9, 10, 11

Important advice for parents from Sutton Police 

The following notification has been received from our Sutton Police support and has been issued to all Sutton schools.

It has been brought to our attention by local police that some young people have had items of clothing and mobile phones stolen from them when walking to and from school. We always advise students to keep their mobile phones out of sight when walking home and it would be helpful if you could have a conversation with your child about keeping expensive items out of sight.

Students and Tutor Groups of the week

Congratulations goes to all those listed below for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive – well done to everyone.  


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form







Birgit / Shayanth

Tutor Groups






12JJ / 13KH

Wishing you all the very best.

Mr J Mirtschin, Acting Headteacher