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Reclaiming Narratives: Black History Month at Greenshaw this October

This year’s theme will be launched by staff and students in assemblies next week.

Heading into October can mean many things, including lower temperatures and shorter days. For us, importantly, October means celebrating and recognising Black History Month. This year’s theme is ‘Reclaiming Narratives’ and will be launched by staff and students in assemblies next week. They will share their own stories, as well as those of black British people who have made significant contributions to our culture. This will be followed by a range of events that all students will be invited to, before we break up for half term after three full school weeks of October. We have a range of other events scheduled, including celebrating South Asian Heritage month later in the year.

Proposal regarding alteration to term dates

Many thanks for the response to my query about ending the school year earlier. You may remember from last week that I proposed to lose the day and a half final week in July, by cancelling the planned INSET day on 6th January 2025 and not running a half day at all at the end of term. I have only had messages of agreement from families, so will change the dates on the school website accordingly.

What some parents did bring to my attention was that the two-week October half term at Greenshaw does appear to be out of line with most Sutton schools. This is an oversight, borne mainly of the intent to get as much of the winter term out of the way before the darkest days of November arrive. It cannot change for 2024, but I have already reviewed this for 2025 and will seek to align our autumn half-term as closely as others, for the convenience of families.

Students of the week

Congratulations goes to our stars of the week listed below for their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done to all!

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Sixth Form








Ofsted visit

Thank you to the many of you who completed the online survey for our visit this week. Our students shone as ever, and the inspection visit went off with little interruption to our normal working days. When the report is finalised, following the quality assurance processes within Ofsted, I will share it with you, but this will be a few weeks away.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend.

Mr N House, Headteacher