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Sports Day superstars

We held two very successful sports days this week.

Sports day superstars

We are all very tired, and a few of us (maybe more Year 7 and 8 students from Tuesday) a touch sun burnt after what were two great days at the David Weir Arena. Both the junior and senior sports days were lots of fun, with great levels of participation and very strong performances. While a number of school records were broken, as pleasing was it to see so many competitors volunteering and the huge amounts of loyal support for each tutor group.

We were particularly blessed to have a celebrity guest appearance from Harry Aikines-Aryeetey. The former GB sprinter, medal winner at European and World championships, as well as junior world champion at 100 and 200 metres, Harry is also a former student of Greenshaw High School. It was great to see him signing autographs and shirts for the students and taking part in the staff relay… where he certainly showed his qualities. Overall, both days were superbly supported and the students conducted themselves brilliantly. The winning tutor groups will be announced in next week’s end of term assemblies. Keep an eye out for the full story on our website and in our end of term newsletter. 

Students of the week

Congratulations to these students below that have embodied all the values of our school. We are very proud of their achievements. Well done.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 12

Aliyah Alfie Lia Jaimee-Lea Arkadiusz / Mahir

Industrial action in schools - update

You may have seen that yesterday the government have decided to recognise the recommendations of the Independent Teacher Pay Review Body in full. As importantly, they have offered additional funding, meaning that this increased cost will not need to be met from existing school budgets or put current resources under further pressure. This award has yet to be agreed by the education unions, but it certainly moves a step closer to the prospect of more school closures next year being shelved. 

GCSE preferences – Year 8 and Year 9

Last term, students in Year 8 and 9 submitted their preferences for next year’s GCSE subjects. We have now finished writing our new timetable and are in a position to release these choices to students. Students can see which subjects they have been allocated by logging into Frog and clicking 'GCSE Preferences'. We were pleased to allocate the majority of preferred subjects and there is now very little flexibility with making changes. If you would like to discuss this further, then please make contact with your child’s year team.

How to locate your child’s lost property

If your child has lost an item of clothing which is named, we will return this to the year team who will return it to the student. However, if it is unnamed then we collect it in one of our stores in the playground which are open at every break and lunchtime. If you are chasing up missing clothing, do check with your child whether they have looked in the lost property store. At the end of the summer term any items of clothing that we cannot put to good use in school will be donated to the Tweeddale Children’s Centre in Sutton.

ParentPay is changing to ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS)

ParentPay will be closing after this academic year and we will be moving to a new online payment system via the ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS) App. Attached below is important information for parents explaining what you will need to do in preparation for this move, along with links to helpful instructions on how to set up and use MCAS.  If you have any questions relating to MCAS, then please do visit the dedicated section of our school website

Wishing you all enjoyable weekends and also wishing the very best for our Year 12 students on their work experience placements next week.

Mr N House, Headteacher