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Greenshaw High School

Students remain focused

Our students remain focused and intent on learning, despite the disruptions.

I would like to thank all of you for your support over what has inevitably been a very disrupted week. Despite the school closures today, and on Wednesday, we were able to welcome our new Year 6 students on Wednesday, supported by lots of our current Year 7 as student helpers. It was really important that we could give our incoming students a day in their new secondary school and we were delighted to welcome them in.

We also had Year 12 students taking part in a ‘Recruitment Day’ on Wednesday. It was possible to have our Year 12 students in, safely supervised, because we were supported by nearly 30 visiting adults from business and enterprise. They ran mock interviews, group recruitment activities and gave our Sixth Form students feedback on their performance.

Despite the interruptions of the strikes it was great to keep both of these pre-planned activities going, especially with the support of external volunteers and student helpers.

Students of the week

Congratulations to these students below that have embodied all the values of our school. We are very proud of their achievements. Well done.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 12





Charlie / Connor

How to locate your child’s lost property

If your child has lost an item of clothing which is named we will return this to the year team who will return it to the student. However, if it is unnamed then we collect it in one of our stores in the playground which are open at every break and lunchtime. If you are chasing up missing clothing, do check with your child whether they have looked in the lost property store. At the end of the summer term any items of clothing that we cannot put to good use in school will be donated to the Tweeddale Children’s Centre in Sutton.

ParentPay is changing to ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS)

ParentPay will be closing after this academic year and we will be moving to a new online payment system via the ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS) App. Attached to this letter is important information for parents explaining what you will need to do in preparation for this move, along with links to helpful instructions on how to set up and use MCAS.  If you have any questions relating to MCAS, then please do visit the dedicated section of our school website

Students are focused and intent on learning

I can reassure you that, despite the strangeness of our interrupted week, the ‘school days’ feel very normal in school. I had the pleasure of taking a group of prospective parents around the school yesterday morning. Some had been to our Open Evening and wanted to see more, while others just wanted to see the school at work on a typical day. Students remained focused and intent on their learning across the school, despite some only having three days in school this week. In the afternoon, I had the pleasure of visiting our 3-D Design Year 10 group and seeing the quality of their scaled models, all self-designed and constructed and their stunning portfolios. Art GCSE and A Levels all require a high level of artist research, even before any production work, and both their artefacts and their sketchbooks are of a fantastic quality. I include a few of the images here, but these only give a partial sense of the true quality of the work produced.

So despite the strangeness of the last week, all remains good at Greenshaw. We look forward to next week with its sports days – praying for no rain, while also hoping to avoid too much punishing sunshine – and continue onwards as our students thrive.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend.      

Mr N House, Headteacher