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Greenshaw High School

Success at the UK Chess Challenge

Three Greenshaw students played at the Delancey UK Chess Challenge Megafinal last week.

As you know, every Friday I share celebrations of learning, community work and sporting achievement. And I will do that this week, but first there is a very important safeguarding item that all schools have been asked by the Department for Education to share with their families. Please take a careful read of the first item below.

Important safeguarding update from Mrs Wallace, Designated Safeguarding Lead

There has been a lot of discussion in the news recently about the dangers of sexual extortion, often referred to as sextortion. The National Crime Agency (NCA) has alerted schools and advised schools to issue some guidance for parents and carers. It is unprecedented for the NCA to send such an alert to schools, which is an indication of the growing level of concern. This type of extortion is thought to be carried out by organised crime groups.

Sextortion often involves children being sent a nude picture and they are then asked to send one in return. They then receive threats that it will be shared publicly unless they meet the blackmailer's demands. As you can imagine, this can have a devastating impact on young people and their families. 

I have met with each year group’s student council to hear their views regarding safeguarding, including the receiving of nudes. This topic is also discussed in PSHE lessons.

The message that we need to be giving our young people if this does happen to them, is to report it as soon as possible to a trusted adult and to not pay the blackmailer. Any member of staff they report it to will pass the information onto a member of safeguarding as a matter of urgency so that we can support them.

Young people will often feel embarrassed and feel as if it is their fault if this happens to them. It is advisable that you start to have conversations with your child about this issue as this should hopefully reduce the stigma around it and help them to feel confident about reporting it if it happens. Here is a link to the NCA guidance in full NCA guidance on sextortion

Greenshaw success at the UK Chess Challenge

Three Greenshaw chess players went to the Delancey UK Chess Challenge Megafinal (a regional final) in Leatherhead on Sunday. Our students competed against some of the best players in Surrey, many of whom attend independent and grammar schools. 

I am incredibly proud that Thirushanth (Year 10) won a seven round tournament and Krishang (Year 7) also played superbly, just missing out on qualification to the Southern Area Gigafinal by half a point. All of our players should feel proud as they competed against some of the best players in Surrey – well done to all of them. 

As often happens at this time of year, the first public exams have been met with a blast of summer heat. Despite this, our Year 11 students have started superbly, with over one hundred remaining after the school day for an optional GCSE Biology ‘booster’ last night. Every morning of the exam season, we open up one of the dining halls for students to revise from 7:45am, with Chrome books and revision guides for the students. The A Level exams have not quite started, but the Sixth Form Resource Centre is available for all students each morning and through the school day.

Wishing all of our families and students the best for a sunny weekend, and of course huge good luck to our students in Year 11 and Year 13 in the coming weeks.

Mr N House, Headteacher