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Greenshaw High School

Welcome back!

Students are already getting back into the swing of learning.

So schools are greeted by steaming hot weather for their first week back… after endlessly rainy school holidays – who could have seen that coming?

On a serious note, I am very glad we have decided to give the option of wearing PE kit today, and Monday, (although that should be a little cooler) to allow students the best chance to settle in with their new teachers and subjects. We will continue to monitor the playground areas where there is least shade and urge students to wear caps outside and fill their water bottles at breaks. We look forward to normal(ish) temperatures from Tuesday onwards.

It was absolutely lovely to be greeted by so many students this morning, young and older, as I walked down Grennell Road at 8:20. We started the day with an online assembly for all students in Years 7 to 12 so I could welcome them back, as well as talk about a few of the day to day changes that happen in school every September. 

It was also great to walk around the school during lessons. We have a small number of new teachers, and it was pleasing to see how our students welcomed them and settled to their subjects. Classes looked already very much into the swing of their learning and all feels very well set for the next term – we just need those temperatures to dip.

Safeguarding message from Mrs Wallace, Designated Safeguarding Lead 

I would like to introduce myself to our new families and welcome back all of our families. My name is Mrs Wallace and I am Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) here at Greenshaw and I have a team of four Deputy DSLs. We will always try to keep you up to date regarding local issues and any support available, and you’ll find lots of helpful information on our the website under the ‘care and support’ tab. 

Support for parents: The local Family Hub in Sutton are planning some information drop-ins for families offering information on various issues such as cost of living worries, parenting support and childcare. They are always willing to offer coffee mornings in schools, so please email if you are interested in us setting that up. They also work out in the community at places such as Sutton Migrant and Refugee Centre and in Sutton Women's Centre. You can contact Family Hub Connectors by phone on 020 8770 6000 or by email or online

Vaping: I also want to remind you that I asked you to take steps to ensure your child does not carry a vape on site. We will continue to impose serious sanctions for anyone with a vape on site. I shared quite a lot of information about the risks of vaping last year Greenshaw safeguarding notices and if you would like to find out more, there is a programme on BBC iPlayer called panorama-teenage-vaping-whats-the-harm?

MCAS – how to quickly know about your child at school

We have recently moved our school’s database onto a system called Bromcom. Access to our Frog Parent Portal remains the same for parents and students, however, some features have moved to the new app called ‘My Child at School’, or MCAS. The MCAS mobile app is available for both iOS and Android devices, as well as being available through a browser. MCAS is now the place to access the following useful information for your child:

  • basic information
  • progress reports
  • your child’s timetable
  • your child’s attendance
  • your child’s achievement points 

Please visit the dedicated section of our website here for further information.

Wishing you all happy weekends.                

Mr N House, Headteacher