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Greenshaw High School

Wishing you a happy half term

It seems impossible that we are already at the half term break but the emerging flowers and longer days definitely suggest we are approaching spring and the last six weeks have gone in a blur. 

There are always so many things to celebrate from our pupils and staff but I would pick just two in the last week.

The food made by our Year 11 Food and Nutrition pupils, preparing a full three course meal, has been spectacular. All elements of the menu are made from scratch, including the bread and pasta in this meal, made by Skye. These meals contribute to their final GCSE results and have been absolutely superb.

The charitable efforts of a substantial group of pupils in Year 12 has also been great to witness this week. Raising money for the British Heart Foundation through selling red roses in recognition of the coming Valentine’s Day. These pupils have organised themselves, and worked at a scale unseen before and subsequently have raised several hundreds of pounds for a very important cause, while also developing their own skills of collaboration, communication and entrepreneurship.

Stars of the Term

Congratulations goes to our Stars of the Term listed below, both individual pupils and tutor groups for maintaining their commitment, focus and sense of drive. Well done to all.

  • Year 7 Student: Hayden, Year 7 Tutor Group: 7UUM
  • Year 8 Student: Abbie, Year 8 Tutor Group: 8EWN
  • Year 9 Student: Ky, Year 9 Tutor Group: 9DPL
  • Year 10 Student: Emelia, Year 10 Tutor Group: 10EDH
  • Year 11 Student: Jack, Year 11 Tutor Group: 11KHN
  • Sixth Form Student: Jess, Sixth Form Tutor Groups: 12JJ, 13NFH

Open mornings, 9:00am on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd February

On the first Tuesday and Wednesday after the half term break we will be running ‘learning walks’, inviting parents in to see what lessons are typically like and walk around school on a normal day. In the past parents have enjoyed these opportunities to see what typical lessons are (with things you might have heard of, like ‘Do Now’ quizzes and mini whiteboards) and understand their children’s learning experiences first hand. 

If you would like to see the school at work please email us at, indicating whether you'd prefer the Tuesday or Wednesday morning. We will add additional days as necessary, so do let us know if you are interested but cannot make these particular days.

Support while school is closed

At Greenshaw we work closely with a variety of agencies including the London Borough of Sutton, volunteer groups and the NHS. Please be aware that our website has many signposts to support agencies in the section ‘Care & Support’ as needed.  

I wish all pupils a well deserved rest over the next week, including those in Year 11 and 13 that will spend a good proportion of their time revising but I hope balancing this with exercise and social time as well.  

We welcome all our students back on Week 2, so if you could please remind your child to pack the correct books for their week 2 timetable.  Wishing you all the very best.

Your sincerely,

Mr House
