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Greenshaw High School

Ending the term on a high!

We ended the school year on a real high with our Enrichment Days on Monday and Tuesday.

 Some students headed off site by coach, and some were learning in school. The off-site days included visiting the Science Museum and collecting data on the coast, and on-site activities included an oracy skills careers workshop, professional actors performing GCSE texts, and a fun assault course.

Day 1 – Monday 22nd July

Year 7

Our Year 7 cohort took part in team building activities for PSHE, across three Go Ape locations. Students participated in the Treetop Adventure, growing in confidence as they scaled new heights and Baboonzled, where students competed in a giant outdoor board game filled with physical and mental activities that got hearts pumping and minds racing. The day was full of adrenaline-filled fun, with laughter and screams of delight echoing in the great outdoors.

Miss Anius, Head of PSHE

Year 8

On Monday 22nd July, over 200 students along with 32 staff members took the journey to South Kensington to attend the Science Museum. Students were tasked with completing a treasure hunt style activity which directed them around the vast museum. The task allowed students to explore our science curriculum in greater depth and provided experiences within science that are not achievable in a normal teaching laboratory.

Additionally, students were able to find out more about the fields of technology and engineering. These disciplines are not specifically covered within the KS3 curriculum but are nonetheless important as we aim to open students minds to the diverse academic and professional possibilities that may await them once they leave school. The students represented the school impeccably by demonstrating the highest levels of conduct throughout the day. Well done, Year 8.

Mr Walpole, Head of Science

Year 9

Bognor Regis: Despite the rain and wind, students had a blast on their school trip to the coast. They embraced the weather, conducted a clone town survey and field sketching in the gusty conditions. Indoor activities like the arcade kept spirits high. The laughter and camaraderie shared during the trip made it a memorable adventure, proving that a bit of bad weather couldn’t dampen their enthusiasm.

Mr Barnes, Teacher of Geography

Worthing: Year 9 were absolute superstars at Worthing yesterday. They didn’t let the weather dampen their spirits like true geographers. They examined the high street, pier and coastal management looking at the impact of tourism on the UK seaside. Well done to everyone.

Ms Maxwell, Head of Geography

Year 10

Our Year 10s were based at Greenshaw High School on Monday and enjoyed an insightful careers day. They have had the opportunity to do some post-16 research, with the aid of classroom workshops run by @talkthetalkUK. We hope that these will be followed up with some insightful conversations at home.

We were also lucky to have Sarah and Rebecca from @STCG_College, who were providing information on apprenticeships and college opportunities in the school hall. The Year 10 students have also had an opportunity to hear from our very own Sixth Formers, and learn about the fun things that our A Level students get up to!

Aburvan, Head Student

Day 2 – Tuesday 23rd July

Year 7

On Tuesday morning, our Year 7 cohort visited Morden’s Baitul Futuh mosque in four different groups and took part in a variety of activities. This included a tour and completion of a booklet on the information that they gathered. They were able to visit the library, the prayer halls and the exhibition, which displays all the information about the Ahmadiyya faith and the importance of the mosque to the local community.

We had two wonderful tour guides who delivered a plethora of information to our Year 7 students who were very respectful, and were very inquisitive about this branch of Islam. Thank you to all who made this trip happen and to all supporting staff from the mosque.

Mr O’Rourke, Head of RS

Year 8 – Geography

Year 8 students thoroughly enjoyed their biodiversity study at Morden Hall Park, where they engaged in hands-on learning amidst the park’s diverse ecosystems.

The lush greenery, vibrant wildlife, and serene waterways offered a dynamic outdoor classroom, fostering a deeper connection to nature. The interactive experiences, such as identifying various plant and animal species and understanding their ecological roles, enabled the subject to come alive, sparking curiosity and enthusiasm. This immersive approach not only enhances their knowledge, but also cultivates a lasting appreciation for environmental conservation.

Mr Barnes, Teacher of Geography

Year 8 – Art

Whilst half of Year 8 were conducting some geography field studies, others were engaged in drawing and sketching in the gardens at Morden Hall Park. The groups then switched activities later in the morning. (See pictures on previous page.)

All students worked really hard on their drawing skills and observing nature. It was a really relaxing way to end the year.

They completed some very accomplished sketches, using cross hatching to create fantastic tone, as well as logo designs inspired by their beautiful surroundings. Well done, Year 8.

Ms Paisley, Director of Art and Technology

Year 9

Sadly, the Year 9 sports day was cancelled earlier this month due to heavy rain. However, their ‘Retro and Inflatable Sports Day’ gave our Year 9 students the chance to flex their competitive muscles and take on the challenge of the inflatables! It gave them an opportunity to take part in team building activities, developing collaboration, communication and leadership skills. Congratulations to 9PAG, who were winners of the whole competition.

Mr Fuller, Deputy Head of PE

Year 10

Our Year 10 students were transfixed as The Globe Players gave two highly engaging performances of Macbeth (pictured left) and An Inspector Calls (pictured right). Students enjoyed seeing the two texts in a different way, and benefited from professional actors embodying the characters and bringing the plays to life on the stage. Actors also ‘broke the fourth wall’ to discuss key themes and motifs within the texts. It was a brilliant morning for everyone involved.

Mr Trafford, Head of English