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Greenshaw culture evening

On 25th April, Greenshaw Hig hSchool opened its main hall to celebrate the Sixth Form Culture Evening

A team of Greenshaw Sixth Form students came together to create an evening where their culture, traditions and heritage could be proudly shown off and appreciated by the rest of their peers.

The night entailed fashion shows, dance and music performances and food from around the world. What really came through was that clothes, food, music and dance are universal ways to bring communities together – it is a way to express love, joy and passion within cultures around the world. One could argue that a school is an ecosystem, and an ecosystem depends on diversity to survive and thrive. Culture Evening is one of the many opportunities Greenshaw High School has to offer to celebrate and create spaces for students to express and be proud of their identity, which allows our ecosystem to flourish.

It was moving to see staff and students support, encourage and cheer each other on. Thank you to all staff who came to the evening and supported the students.