Greenshaw Sixth Form enrolment

Enrolment commences Thursday 22nd August 2024.
Please note that we are currently full in our Sixth Form for entry in September 2024. If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please email with your A Level subject choices and your GCSE results.
Please note that we may not be in a position to offer a space and therefore highly recommend that you enrol at another establishment whilst awaiting an outcome.
Internal applications – Students who currently attend Greenshaw High School
External students with a conditional offer will need to do the following:
- After 9.00am on Thursday 22nd August, login to your application and complete the enrolment form: The Enrolment Guide for external students can found here
- You will then also need to come to Greenshaw Sixth Form in person between 11.30am and 2pm on Thursday 22nd August to complete the enrolment process
- External students MUST bring identification and their statement of results when they come to enrol in person
External Students who have not previously applied:
If you have not previously applied for a place in our Sixth Form but now wish to do so, you will need to come to Greenshaw Sixth Form on Thursday 22nd August between 11.30am and 2pm to speak to a member of the Sixth Form team. Please note that any late offers will be subject to availability. If you have any queries, please email