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New school council announced

Our school councils are engaging with the school community.

This term has been an exciting time for the school councils. All year groups have elected a new school council and they are engaging with the school community. In the coming months, all year groups will have their own area on Frog which will allow students to know the council members, read minutes from meetings, share suggestions in the ideas box and have a notice board to advertise up and coming events for the year team. Below is a snapshot of what some of the school councils have been engaged with this half term;

The Year 7 school council were instrumental in launching this years' Christmas card competition. They have many more ideas and initiatives that they are looking forward to implementing in 2024 to help drive positive change, lift aspiration, and to create and reward excellence from students within their year group.

There are very exciting times ahead in Year 9 – they are currently working on initiating ideas to help the year group and work together to make a difference in the school and local community. 

Year 10 have been canvassing opinions from their colleagues to see what their main priorities are for school improvement. Following the result of these, the council has decided to focus on the potential for a culture day, a careers day, and how to increase the number of trips for all students. 

The Sixth Form council have delivered helpful and timely feedback in relation to the recruitment process of applying for Greenshaw Sixth Form. This has included reviewing the open evening and responding to student voice, presentations to Year 11 students about Sixth Form, and student-led subject videos. Sixth Form council also fed back information relating to personal safety. This led to us inviting the Greenshaw’s Police Liaison Officer, Gregg, to come and talk to each tutor group about keeping safe and writing letters to our local MP to promote safety in the local area.