Schools Rebuilding Programme – coming to Greenshaw High School

Exciting news for the school.
This afternoon I am able to share with you some very exciting news. You will all know of my pride in our school, especially the hard work and talents of our children and staff. And I have often said that schools are not just buildings of steel and glass, but the product of the people that work in them.
However, it is honest to say that parts of our school are wearing as well as being increasingly expensive to maintain. It is also absolutely the case that some of our corridors are too narrow and spaces can get very busy. Given that the school was designed for only 590 students and many parts not updated since its opening in the late 1960s this is not really a massive surprise. But I had never thought that we might have the opportunity to change this.
It would cost tens of millions of pounds to be able to create the kind of site that I believe our students and staff deserve but Greenshaw High School has been identified as part of the national Department for Education’s School Rebuilding Programme. This means there is the chance of being part of a major overhaul of our site, funded directly through central government, not from school funds. This gives us the possibility of the best of both worlds: talented and hard-working people in an up to date and aspirational setting.
More details will follow over the coming months. We have an appointed contractor and fully conceived designs and we are now entering a public consultation phase before the project is presented for planning permission to Sutton Council’s planning committee.
More information is in the flyer below, as well as details of a meeting next Wednesday 18th January at the school, from 17:30 until 20:30. If you are able to attend that meeting and express your support for transforming our great school into a great school for the twenty-first century that would be really constructive. A copy of this flyer will also go out to local residents tomorrow.
I will of course keep families informed through our weekly Friday newsletter of any updates as they emerge. To subscribe to email updates about the regeneration plans for Greenshaw High School contact or use the website
I hope you are as excited as I am for what our school might become.
Nick House, Headteacher
You can view a video of the flythrough here: