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Greenshaw expansion given planning permission

Planning consent is granted for the three storey extension.

On Wednesday 3rd June the London Borough of Sutton’s planning committee granted Greenshaw High School the necessary planning consent to commence the construction of a three storey extension to the front (west facing) elevation of the school, as well the refurbishment and remodelling of existing corridors, staircases, rooms and communal areas within the main school building.

To address concerns raised by local residents, the committee agreed a number of planning conditions – these include: controls on construction traffic and deliveries during the building work, and restricting building work to 8 am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays, with no work on Sundays and bank holidays; setting up a community liaison scheme for the school to communicate with and inform residents throughout the construction period; a review of the highways infrastructure and parking to see if measures can be introduced to improve the situation; and the school and council agreeing a Travel Plan to reduce car use and promote sustainable travel.

The expansion of Greenshaw is being carried out as part of a Borough-wide plan to expand a number of secondary schools across the Sutton area. This expansion is needed to provide places for the increased numbers of students who will be starting secondary school in the coming years. The main part of Greenshaw’s expansion needs to be ready to take two new forms of entry (60 students) in September 2016.

In July, in preparation for the expansion work, a temporary entrance will be made about 50 metres to the left of the current main entrance, with a temporary office and reception area within the current school building.

In August the car park in front of the sixth form entrance will be converted into a building compound. The school is seeking alternative travel and parking arrangements for staff that use this parking area.

Also during July and August, contractors will be installing new double glazed UPVC windows throughout the main school building.

Demolition work is expected to start in September and the entire project is scheduled to be completed by March 2017.

Greenshaw will provide updated information to parents and residents and on its website, and will be engaging with local residents through the Community Liaison Scheme throughout the construction project.

Please contact The Greenshaw Community Team to discuss any queries or concerns you may have by emailing The team is  committed to a response time of within 24 hours and a follow up call within 48 hours.