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Welcome to OUR Sixth Form

Please note that we are currently full in our Sixth Form for entry in September 2024. If you would like to be added to our waiting list, please email with your A Level subject choices and your GCSE results.  

Please note that we may not be in a position to offer a space and therefore highly recommend that you enrol at another establishment whilst awaiting an outcome.

Greenshaw Sixth Form encourages all of its students to aspire to the highest levels of achievement and enables them to prepare for adult life. We offer a broad range of subjects and encourage each individual to choose a balanced and challenging combination of courses appropriate to their strengths, interests and ambitions. Sixth Form studies are designed to ensure exam success and help students become independent thinkers and learners. This is both through their main examinations but also through the acquisition of key skills, involvement in extra-curricular activities and a highly effective tutorial support and guidance structure.

We combine a friendly and welcoming atmosphere with high expectations and high standards of achievement. The choice you make about which path to take at the age of sixteen will be part of the future direction of your life. 

It is an important decision, but one that generations of our former students are proud to say was the right one.

Nick House, Headteacher

“Thank you for all the support and encouragement given to our daughter throughout her time at school, particularly in relation to her university application. I am not sure she would have even given a thought to applying if she had not been encouraged to do so at school." – a Year 13 parent.

To keep up to date with all the latest Sixth Form news, follow our twitter feed @GHSSixthForm